Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The ET Conundrum

I DO believe in the possibility of extraterrestrial visitation or at least some type of anomaly is occurring considering the massive plethora of sitings, especially from credible professionals i.e., pilots, NASA personnel, military and police officials. However, until somebody somewhere or some agency allows ALL UFO data to be uncensored and officially released, we will continue to play these games with no resolution.
There is no question there are anomalous events occuring in our skies and space but does that mean they are of extraterrestrial origin or are they some unknown phenomenon or possibly creations based on human technology which is plausible but unlikely in all cases. The fact that some or any of them could be unexplainable and possibly even fall into the category of extraterrestrial origin is in itself of monumental, astounding scientific significance and should be openly studied and shared with the public....although, thats about as likely as the Koch Brothers sending every American Citizen a check for 25 million bucks😉

This is exactly what our government and especially the oligarchical class (and their industrial contractors) want, a confused ensorcelled public getting its information from multiple dubious sources such as Fox and other news & cable channels that lead the tsunami of media disinformation. Something IS going on but hell if I know what these sightings are if not of ET origin.

What I find incredulous are the reports of alien abduction, and land reconnaissance since if one considers plausible logic, ETs that are at minimum, 10-100,000 years evolved beyond our state would NOT need to conduct manual reconnaissance missions much less physically abduct humans or any particular species on this planet that would be worth the expenditures required to travel lightyears through space unless of course, they have a base within this solar system, including our own planet which as Maxwell Smart would say "hard to believe". Of course if ET exobiologists are actually conducting current research on various Earth based fauna/flora, their agenda could not be fathomed by honinids since it could involve science that is lightyears beyond the ability of current human minds to comprehend.

Secondly, the notion that advanced ETs would be in collusion with our primitive government and their officials is patently absurd and is tantamount to human scientists sending an envoy of ambassadors to communicate with African Ants while investigating their nests or colonies...give me a break😉 What possible justification would induce a species thousands of years beyond our current state of biological/technical evolution, to directly interact with us aside from studying humans as we study a Rhesus Monkey or bacteria? Now consider that a Rhesus Monkey is far closer to us on the evolutionary scale than hominids would be to a hypothetical ET. Do human scientists negotiate with Rhesus monkeys or set up liaisons? Are you kidding.

Abductions might seem real to those who claim they experience it but then again, so do the delusional morons who claim they see Jesus, or some other religious based entity they read about in New Testament fairy tales. Schizophrenics claim they see many things including outrageous entities but does that mean the entities really exist? They do in their minds but in terms of real time, data gathering physical evidence, as Dr. Sagan always said (and this applies to religion as well) extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence😀